
Producing organism:
Streptoverticillium verticillus var. quintum ME3-AG3
Clinical use:
Class no:
6 Reference(s)
Streptoverticillium verticillus var. quintum ME3-AG3
6 Reference(s)
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Title | Author | Journal | Year | Volume | Page |
Mannostatins A and B: new inhibitor of α-D-mannosidase, produced by Streptoverticillium verticillus var. quintum ME3-AG3: taxonomy, production, isolation, physico-chemical properties and biological activities. | T. Aoyagi; T. Yamamoto; K. Kojiri; H. Morishima; M. Nagai; M. Hamada; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1989 | 42 | 883-889 |
Structure determination of mannostatins A and B. | H. Morishima; K. Kojiri; T. Yamamoto; T. Aoyagi; H. Nakamura; Y. Iitaka | J. Antibiotics | 1989 | 42 | 1008-1011 |
Mannostatin A, a new glycoprotein-processing inhibitor. | J. E. Tropea; G. P. Kaushal; I. Pastuszak; M. Mitchell; T. Aoyagi; R. J. Molyneux; A. D. Elbein | Biochemistry | 1990 | 29 | 10062-10069 |
Inhibiton of tumor cell invasion in the Boyden chamber assay by a mannosidase inhibitor, mannostatin A. | Y. Ochi; S. Atsumi; T. Aoyagi; K. Umezawa | Anticancer Research | 1993 | 13 | 1421-1424 |
Flexible enantiodivergent synthesis and biological activity of mannostatin analogues, new cyclitol glycosidase inhibitors. | Y.Nishimura; Y. Umezawa; H. Adachi; S. Kondo; T. Takeuchi | J. Organic Chemistry | 1996 | 61 | 480-488 |
Synthesis of mannostatins and cyclophellitols, new cyclitol inhibitors for glycoside metabolism of glycoproteins and glycolipids. | Y. Nishimura | Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 19, Structure and Chemistry (Part E), Elsevier (Editor: Atta-ur-Rahman) | 1997 | 19 | 351-387 |